37th Annual History and Social Science Teachers Conference

From the desk of Dr. Bonnie Laughlin-Schultz:
We had a record turnout of 140 attendees for the 37th Annual History and Social Science Teachers Conference on October 21st. Preservice teachers, alumni, and practicing classroom teachers from throughout central Illinois were in attendance for a series of sessions that began with a crowded keynote (photo) given by Shawn Healy from the Robert McCormick Foundation. Dr. Healy spoke about the election and its link to the classroom, and a robust Q&A followed his presentation. Conference participants then attended a series of breakout sessions (including ones by EIU's own Sace Elder, Melinda Mueller, and James Bruehler) or a four-session workshop on "Empowered Civics" that was presented (and sponsored by) the Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago.
Look for a call for proposals for next fall's conference soon!