Dr. Carleton E. Curran (1923-2015)
From the desk of Dr. David Maurer:
Dr. Carleton E. Curran passed away on November 15, 2015 at his residence. Declining health had finally required hospice care. He was born in Madison, Wisconsin in 1923. In the Fall of 1941 he matriculated at the University of Wisconsin. However, he was soon to enlist in the U.S. Army and served in the 104th Infantry Division in World War II. After the war he returned to the University and acquired his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. During that time he married Nancy Elisabeth Riedel; she survives as do their two sons, David and Thomas. He taught for 10 years at Arkansas Tech University in Russellville, Arkansas. He then was hired by Eastern Illinois University’s Department of History in 1966 and taught for 28 years, retiring in 1994.
Robert Sterling notes, “Through the many years of relationship with Carl, one thing remained constant: my appreciation of his never ending friendship. The loss is immeasurable.”
Jimmie Franklin remembers that “Carl believed that “analysis” began with an uncluttered understanding of the “facts.” And that is why I think that he produced strong students with an ability to think creatively.”
Wolfgang Schlauch remembers that “Carl was a dedicated teacher who care about his students and encouraged them to excel. While travelling in Europe with him he described the horrors of the war and the devastation. In the 1980’s and 1990’s he was able to applaud the rebuilt Europe.”
Charles Titus joined the Department in 1990 and immediately was impressed by Carl’s friendliness and helpfulness. He was always optimistic and upbeat. After retirement Charles continued to enjoy Carl’s good humor and wit.
Newton Key remembers Carl’s innovative teaching techniques and his advice that faculty should “grade what they did write.” Key notes, “A couple of decades letter, this is still good advice, as I continue to try to respond to what the student’s argument and evidence is, rather than what is the ideal in my mind.”
David Maurer has never forgotten that Carl met and counseled students with no thought of the clock. Whatever he could do to encourage his students, he would do. Maurer also knew of the exceptional volunteer work he gave to this church and the local Soup Stop charity. He was outstanding in the University and the community.

Dr. Carleton E. Curran (via The Keep)